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Bad Habits Survey - For women Only
Which country do you belong to?
Replies Response Count
Show Replies 9622
Please specify your family status.
Response Percent Response Count
Single (never married)
17 % 1649
16 % 1571
Living with partner
15 % 1461
15 % 1498
15 % 1492
15 % 1522
What in your opinion are your three bad habits?
  Response Percent Response Count Replies
    1 100% 9625Show Replies
    2 100% 9625Show Replies
    3 100% 9625Show Replies
Do you nag a lot?
Response Percent Response Count
Rarely, I am cool minded.
28 % 2717
Pretty often, it’s a problem as old as humankind.
24 % 2373
On most occasions, especially when I am are upset at something.
23 % 2272
Always, as men find women forceful only when they say something again and again.
23 % 2251
Do you splurge?
Response Percent Response Count
Rarely, I don’t like wasteful expenditures.
29 % 2791
Pretty often, when I have money in my hand.
24 % 2336
Occasionally, when there is a party or festival.
23 % 2280
Always, and why not? After all, what do we earn money for?
22 % 2208
Are you too emotional?
Response Percent Response Count
Rarely, I am strong enough to handle any situation.
50 % 4807
Pretty often, when there is a big fight or I don’t get what I want.
45 % 4410
Sometimes, when I am trying to come to terms with an emotional trauma.
3 % 383
Yes, always, even over small issues or remarks made by others. How can people be so insensitive?
0 % 12
Can you drive well?
Response Percent Response Count
Rarely, at times I am doing makeup while driving or am on the phone or listening to music at loud volume.
99 % 9540
Sometimes, when my entire focus is on the road.
0 % 13
Mostly, till the time I don’t lose control of break or clutch.
0 % 20
Always, I am a confident driver and am in complete control of my car when I am in the driver’s seat.
0 % 34
Do you talk too much?
Response Percent Response Count
Rarely, only as much is required.
99 % 9544
Sometimes, when I am excited to share something with my friends and family.
0 % 38
Pretty often, I love to gossip.
0 % 17
Always, there is so much to talk about- fashion trends, broken hearts, men, career, our
0 % 13
myriad emotions, well, the list can go on and on……
0 % 2
Are you malicious?
Response Percent Response Count
99 % 9572
Sometimes, when circumstances force me to be one.
0 % 25
Pretty often, when I see any another women getting more attention than me.
0 % 9
Always, I know I am the best, so anyone who comes between me and my goal will have to bear my malice.
0 % 9