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April Fools At Workplace Survey
Please specify your gender. (Optional)
Response Percent Response Count
58 % 17
41 % 12
How many times have you been fooled on the April Fool's Day?
Response Percent Response Count
20 % 6
Less than 5 Times
48 % 14
About 6 to 10 times
17 % 5
Dah! I'm a champ in getting fooled. Can't remember the count.
13 % 4
Do you like it if someone plays a prank at you on April the 1st?
Response Percent Response Count
Very much
14 % 4
53 % 15
Not very much
28 % 8
Not at all. I hate pranks
3 % 1
Whom would you like to trick most desparately?
Response Percent Response Count
Your Colleagues of equal professional status
62 % 18
Your Juniors
17 % 5
Your Seniors
20 % 6
Have you tricked someone on April Fool's day with the intention of a taking a revenge?
Response Percent Response Count
Yes, only once
21 % 6
I do it all the time
28 % 8
I have never done
39 % 11
I haven't done it but would love to do so
10 % 3
Do you draw immense pleasure at pulling a fast one on April Fool's Day?
Response Percent Response Count
I don't care
36 % 9
I love it, all the time
36 % 9
once in year, oh yeah!
20 % 5
I love it as long as I doing it to someone
8 % 2
Are you a prankster
Response Percent Response Count
Yes, by birth
29 % 8
It's an acquired trait
29 % 8
I am not
37 % 10
I would love to be one
3 % 1
Are you comfortable playing pranks on your colleagues of the opposite gender?
Response Percent Response Count
48 % 12
52 % 13
What kind of pranks are you comfortable with?
Response Percent Response Count
34 % 9
23 % 6
23 % 6
15 % 4
Not comfortable with any kind of prank
3 % 1