The most important remote sensing software tools survey Share the Survey:
Dear colleagues: Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Fatwa Ramdani and I am student in Tohoku University's M.Sc program in Geo-environment I am interested in identifying the most important functions that any Remote Sensing software should possess. As such, I would appreciate if you could take a few minutes of your time to answer this survey. Your participation is very important to us. Thank you very much. Please e-mail me at if you have any questions or concerns. Best regards, Fatwa Ramdani

Profile of respondent

1.  Please specify your gender.


2.  Age

  less than 25
  Above 60

3.  Highest level of education

  High school
  College no degree

4.  Dicipline of educational degree

  Computer Science
  Natural Science
  Economy and business
Other, please specify

5.  What job title best describes your current position

  Remote sensing user
  RS Analyst
  RS Programmer/Developer
  RS Consultant
  Business owner
Other, please specify

6.  How many years of professional RS experience do you have

  under 3
  Above 20

7.  Primary RS Software

  ERDAS Imagine
  ER Mapper
  PCI Geomatic
Other, please specify

8.  Which category best describes your employer

  Private industry
  National Government
  Non-profit organization
Other, please specify

9.  Where do you live

  Western Europe
  Eastern Europe
  Australia/New Zealand
  Southern America
Other, please specify

10.  Which country do you belong to?