LIWA Academic Integrity Climate 2012 (East Africa)
LIWA Academic Integrity Climate 2012 (East Africa)

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 LIWA Academic Integrity Climate 2013 (East Africa)
Jambo! This Survey has been developed to assess the level of academic integrity on a national level. Your individual honest responses will be kept confidential as results from this survey will be collated into aggregate data that represents a national portrait of Kenyan post-secondary education. Thank you for your participation in this study. Prof. Koi Muchira Tirima LIWA

1.  Please specify your gender.


2.  Please let us about the academic integrity climate at your university. How would you rate:

very LowLowHighVery High
1. The severity of penalties for cheating at your university/college?
2. The average student's understanding of the university/college policies concerning cheating?
3. The faculty's/ teaching staff understanding of theses policies?
4. Student support of these policies?
5. Faculty/ teaching staff support of these policies?
6. The effectiveness of these policies?

3.  Have you been informed about the academic integrity or cheating policies at your university/college?

  Can't Say

4.  If you answered "YES" to the previous question, please answer the following questions. Where and how much have you learned about these policies? (Check all that apply)

Learned little of nothingLearned someLearned a lot
8. Orientation Program
9. Campus Website
10. Student Handbook
11. Faculty (discussed in class or in course outlines/ syllabus)
12. Other students
13. Other (please specify below)
Other, please specify

5.  In your experience, how often, on average, do instructors discuss policies concerning:

NeverVery seldomseldom/ sometimesoftenvery often
14. Guidelines on group work or collaboration
15. Proper Citation/ referencing of written source
16. Proper citation/ referencing of online and multi-media sources
17. Plagiarism
18. Falsifying/ fabricating research data
19. Falsifying/ fabrication of course lab data

6.  How often do you think the following happen/occur at your university/ college?

NeverVery seldomSeldom/ sometimesOftenvery often
20. Plagiarism on written assignments
21. "copy & Paste" from online/ internet sources
22. Inappropriate sharing of work between individuals, including buying of assignments/ projects/ thesis
23. Inappropriate sharing of work in group assignments
24. Cheating during tests or examinations

7.  25. How often have you witnessed a student cheat during a test or examination at your university/ college?

  A few times
  Several times
  many times

8.  26. Are all cases of cheating reported and disciplinary action taken?

  Can't Say

9.  27. If you have observed academic dishonesty at your university or college, where did it occur? (check all that apply)

  In-class exam
  Take-home exam
  Lab report
  Homework/ assignments
  Course essay/ paper
  Project report/ thesis/ dissertation
  Final exams

10.  29. Do you think online exams or assignments encourage cheating?

  Can't Say

11.  30. Do you think un-invigilated exams encourage cheating?

  Can't Say

12.  31. Have you ever asked a question about plagiarism or consulted a resource on plagiarism or academic dishonesty while at your university or college?

  Can't Say

13.  32. If you have consulted any resources about academic dishonesty, whom or what did you consult?

  University/ college administrator(such as registrar, department Chair,...)
  University publication (handbook, bulletin, ...)
  Library web site or resounding
  Course syllabus
  family member
  course instructor
  Teaching assistants/ fellows
  Academic/ resident/ dorm adviser

14.  33. If you have not yet consulted a resource about plagiarism or cheating, whom or what would you be most likely to consult if you did have a question about academic dishonesty such as cheating or plagiarism?

  University/ college administrator(such as registrar, department Chair,...)
  University publication (handbook, bulletin, ...)
  Library web site or resounding
  Course syllabus
  family member
  course instructor
  Teaching assistants/ fellows
  Academic/ resident/ dorm adviser

15.  How likely is it that:

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNot sureAgreeAgree strongly
34. I would report an incident of cheating that I observe
35. A typical student at my university/ college would report a violation of academic integrity
36. A student would report a close friend
37. Cheating is a serious problem at my university college
38. The investigation of suspected incidents of cheating is fair and impartial at my university/ college
39. Students should be held responsible for

16.  40. What do you think the most likely action taken at your university/ college for paraphrasing or copying a substantial portion of a paper without appropriate attribution/ citation/ referencing? Check all that apply

  Oral or written warning
  Faculty-student resolution
  Lowered grade for assignment
  Lowered grade for the course
  Zero grade for the assignment
  "F" grade for the course
  Disciplinary probation

17.  41. What do you think is/are the most appropriate action(s) to be taken at your university/ college for paraphrasing or copying a substantial portion of a paper without appropriate attribution/ citation/ or referencing? Check all that apply

  Oral or written warning
  Faculty-student resolution
  Lowered grade for assignment
  Lowered grade for the course
  Zero grade for the assignment
  "F" grade for the course
  Disciplinary probation

18.  42. What should students do if they witness academic dishonesty like cheating or plagiarism? (Choose all that apply)

  Inform the instructor without naming the person cheating
  Inform the instructor and identify the person cheating
  Confront the person directly
  Do nothing
  Tell other students
  Inform the Head of Department, Registrar or other administrator
Other, please specify

19.  42. How effectively does the University/ College academic or ethical standards contributed to a culture integrity at your university/college?

  Not at all
  A fair amount

20.  43. How effective does the university/ college ethical or academic standards contribute to a climate of integrity related to social life or personal character?

  Not at all
  A fair amount

21.  45. What is your academic standing?

  Diploma/ certificate
  1st year undergraduate
  2nd year undergraduate
  3rd year undergraduate
  4th year undergraduate
  Masters level
  doctorate level

22.  46. Please indicate which kind of institution you work at for a majority of the time.

  Public University
  Public college/ polytechnic/ technical institute
  Private University
  Private College/ polytechnic/ technical institute

23.  Kindly indicate your current position

  Assistant instructor
  Assistance lecturer
  Assistant professor
  Associate professor
  Head of department
  Deputy Vice Chancellor
Other, please specify

24.  Kindly indicate which of the following reasons would most likely deter students from cheating

  Respect for faculty members
  Fear of consequences
  Personal ethical code
  Faith/ religious teaching/ values
  Awareness of what cheating is
  Respect for peers
  Value of learning
  Maintaining the value of a degree from my university/college