Adminstration /Transport Survey
How satisfied are people with Administrative and Transport services offered by your company. The questions in this survey offer an insight into what your employees and consumers have to say about administrative and transport services like: Administration Departments, Reception /Helpdesk, Security, behavior, skills, response & coordination of Kitchen Staff, sub-staff, Drivers, Vehicles) Security, Water in Office, Air Conditioners, Refreshments, Music on the Floor and Television in the cafeteria.

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 Adminstration /Transport Survey
This Survey is being conducted by the Admin Department of TBBL. Kindly answer all questions.

Please spare a few minutes to complete this survey. Your views and opinions are very important to us. So, please be as candid and honest as possible. We assure you that your responses will be kept strictly confidential. Rating Scale – 1 to 5 ( 1 is low and 5 is high)

1.  Please specify your gender.


2.   How long have you worked for Techno Brain BPO ITES Ltd?

  Less than one year
  One year to less than two years
  Two years and above

3.  Which of the following best describes your role in the organization?

  Business Development
  HR & Training
  BPO Executive