Share the Survey:
 Advertising Effectiveness
This survey is conducted for study purposes.

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. Your responses will be kept confidential.

1.  Please specify your gender.


2.  What is your age?

  Below 20 years
  Between 20 and 30 years
  Between 30 and 40 years
  Between 40 and 50 years
  Between 50 and 60 years
  Above 60 years

3.  Have you seen this ad before? (Show ad before the survey starts.)

  Can't recall
If yes, when was the last time you saw it?

4.  Please tick the option that best describes your opinion with regard to the following statements on the ad shown above.

Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
The ad was visually appealing and engaging.
The ad's duration was neither too long nor too short.
The ad conveyed the intended message.
I felt convinced I should buy the product.
I would like to watch more of such ads in future.
The ad was better than other ads for the same product.

5.  What was it that you liked/did not like about this ad?

6.  What kind of ads do you like? (Choose all that apply.)

  Short and crisp
Other, please specify.

7.  Please tick the option that best describes your opinion with regard to the following statements on advertising in general.

Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
I can watch good ads any number of times.
I like to watch only new ads.
I find ads extremely annoying, no matter how interesting they may be.
I like offbeat ads.
I like creative but sensible ads.

8.  How do you prefer to receive advertising? (Choose all that apply.)

Other, please specify.

9.  How much do ethical issues in advertising (e.g. targeting children, using women to promote men's products, promoting unhealthy products, and the like) matter to you?

  A lot
  Not much
  Not at all

10.  What is the most memorable ad you have ever seen? (Related to any product, any company.)