Survey Created by: on Sunday, April 30, 2017

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 After-school activities and academic success
In this survey I would like to learn about your after-school activities. This survey is anonymous and confidential, and it will take you 5 minutes to submit. Please circle the best response to each question or statement.

1.  What grade are you currently in?


2.  How do you spend your after-school free time?

  Watching TV or shows on my iPhone and iPad
  Participating in an after-school activity
  Hanging out with my friends
  Doing homework and studying for tests
Other, please specify

3.  How many hours of TV or iPad/iPhone shows do you watch every day?

Other, please specify

4.   Are you involved in after-school activities this year?


5.  What after-school activities are you involved in? Check all that apply.

  Playing instruments
  Playing musical instrument
Other, please specify

6.  How many hours per week do you spend in after-school activities?

  More than 7 hours per week

7.  What is the main reason that you participate in the after-school activity?

  I enjoy doing this activity
  I’m good at it
  My parents want me to do it
  I know that it will benefit me in the future, to get into a good college
  My friends participate and I want to do it with them
Other, please specify

8.  The skills I learn in my after-school activity help me to gain more friends.

  I strongly agree
  I somewhat agree
  I somewhat disagree
  I completely disagree

9.  I would recommend my after-school activity to my friends.

  I strongly agree
  I somewhat agree
  I somewhat disagree
  I completely disagree

10.  My school grades are very important to me.

  I strongly agree
  I somewhat agree
  I somewhat disagree
  I completely disagree

11.   I work hard to achieve good grades.

  I strongly agree
  I somewhat agree
  I somewhat disagree
  I completely disagree

12.   Do you complete all of your homework every day?

  Most of the times
  I don’t do my homework

13.  Do you study hard for your tests?

  Yes. I want to make sure I get a good grade
  I try, but sometimes I don’t put in much effort
  I don’t really care about my grades
Other, please specify

14.  How many times this year have you been referred to the school office for discipline reasons?

Other, please specify

15.  What was the reason for your referral to the office? Skip if you haven’t been referred to the office.

  Late to school
  Disobedience to a teacher
  Dress-code violation
  Cell phone
  Cheating on a test
  Inappropriate language
  Fighting with my peers
Other, please specify

16.  Based on your overall grade on your report card, you are a/an:

  “A” student, most of my grades are 90-100%
  “B” student most of my grades are 80-89%
  “C” student most of my grades are 70-79%
  “D” student most of my grades are 60- 69% or below