April Fools At Workplace Survey
April Fools At Workplace Survey

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 April Fools At Workplace Survey
Please spare a few minutes to complete this April Fool's survey. Be as candid and honest as possible. We assure you that your responses will be kept strictly confidential.

1.  Please specify your gender. (Optional)


2.  How many times have you been fooled on the April Fool's Day?

  Less than 5 Times
  About 6 to 10 times
  Dah! I'm a champ in getting fooled. Can't remember the count.

3.  Do you like it if someone plays a prank at you on April the 1st?

  Very much
  Not very much
  Not at all. I hate pranks

4.  Whom would you like to trick most desparately?

  Your Colleagues of equal professional status
  Your Juniors
  Your Seniors

5.  Have you tricked someone on April Fool's day with the intention of a taking a revenge?

  Yes, only once
  I do it all the time
  I have never done
  I haven't done it but would love to do so

6.  Do you draw immense pleasure at pulling a fast one on April Fool's Day?

  I don't care
  I love it, all the time
  once in year, oh yeah!
  I love it as long as I doing it to someone

7.  Are you a prankster

  Yes, by birth
  It's an acquired trait
  I am not
  I would love to be one

8.   Are you comfortable playing pranks on your colleagues of the opposite gender?


9.  What kind of pranks are you comfortable with?

  Not comfortable with any kind of prank