Aquarium & Fishes Survey
Aquarium &Fishes Survey. Are you a fish lover?

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 Aquarium &Fishes Survey
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1.  What type of fish would you like to keep in your aquarium?

2.  Did you study or try to find out the features of the fishes you are going to keep before buying them?

  Can't Say

3.  Which country do you belong to?


4.  What type of fish would you not like to keep in your aquarium?

5.  Can you identify the type of fishes you have in your aquarium?

  Can't Say

6.  How would you like to select an aquarium for your home?

  By visiting an online site like
  By consulting an aquarist
  By randomly choosing an aquarium from an aquarium shop.
  By selecting an aquarium that suits my interiors

7.  Please specify your gender.
