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 Bad Habits Survey - For Women Only
recent years has so many bad habits appear in our society, this survey want to make a idea how much precent of bad habits from women only.

Hey guys! How many bad habits do you have? Take this quick survey and compare yourself with your spoiled brethren.

1.  Do you ever shave or trim your hair in the sink? How often do you leave the hair in the sink on such occasions?

  Rarely. I'm clean and always leave the sink squeaky clean.
  Pretty often. I only clean the sink properly when there is enough time.
  On most occasions. I only straigten up when reminded and then forget again.
  Always. That's a weird question coz its not my job.

2.  What in your opinion are your three bad habits?


3.  Which country do you belong to?

4.  Please specify your family status.

  Single (never married)
  Living with partner

5.  How often do you:

Leave your wet towel on the bed after coming out of the shower into your room
Forget to throw away empty packets or wrappers of chips, cigarettes or chocolates after finishing them
Forget to collect your dirty laundry like socks and underpants after taking them off

6.  do you ever smoking?


7.  Which of the following do you find yourself doing often?

  Stare at a handsome men.
  Take complete possession of the remote control while watching T.V.
  Keep filling in new cups and mugs while someone is slaving away in the kitchen cleaning up.

8.  do you ever use drug?


9.  how ofter do you do your annual physical examination

  once a year
  never check physical examination
  as feel sick
  once every three years

10.  what is the range of your age?

  under 18
  above 35