Survey Created by: on Tuesday, July 25, 2017

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 Customer relationship marketing among Thrissur based banks
Respected sir/madam, This questionnaire is to solicit your opinion on the statements regarding customer relationship marketing in your bank. You are kindly requested to express your free and frank opinions. All information received will be used solely for academic studies. Your help is the key to the success of this study. Thank you

1.  Please specify your gender.


2.  Age

  25 and below
  26 – 35
  36 – 45
  46 and above

3.  The bank in which you maintain account

  South Indian bank
  Catholic Syrian bank
  Dhanlaxmi bank

4.  For how long have you been a customer of the above mentioned bank?

  Less than 1 year
  1 – 5 years
  6 – 11 years
  More than 11years

5.  Highest level of education completed

  below graduation
  Post graduation
  professional course
Other, please specify

6.  Employment

  Self employed
  Government employee
  Private sector
Other, please specify

7.  Income level(annual)

  Below 1 lakh
  1lakh – 5lakh
  5 lakh – 10 lakh
  Above 10 lakh

8.  The below statements are given in 5 point scale starting from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Please make a tick mark on your opinion.

Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
Bank keeps a frequent contact with me.
Employees in this bank shows respect to their customers
Bank try hard to understand customer’s needs
Bank pay attention to customer complaints
Bank gives a sincere response to the complaints
Bank works in close cooperation with their customers
Bank has good reputation
Doing business with this bank is safe
Bank is consistent in providing quality services
Employees of the bank are quite knowledgeable about their products/services
Bank provides me timely and accurate information
Bank informs me about their new services
Information provided by the bank helps me avail good services
Feel ease to communicate with this bank and its employees
I get a reliable answer for my questions to the bank
Communication with the bank employees have positive impact on me
Would like to continue the relationship with this bank
I am proud to belong to the customer group of my bank
Satisfied with the quality of service offered by the bank
The bank compromise with the rules and procedures for customer satisfaction
The bank and its service centres are easily available
The bank try hard to establish a long term relationship
I will transact with this bank again for future needs
I will try new services offered by this bank
I will recommend other people patronize to this bank
I will continue to patronize this bank even if the service charges are increased moderately
This bank is better among the other banks
The performance of this bank is superior to that of competitor bank
I like switching from one bank to another