Share the Survey:
 Employee Satisfactions

Please spare a few minutes to complete this survey. Your views and opinions are very important to us. So, please be as candid and honest as possible. We assure you that your responses will be kept strictly confidential.

1.  How would you rate the following?

Very goodGoodReasonably goodPoorVery Poor
Employee Benefits
Internal Communication (Formal Channels)
Rewards and Recognition
Job Autonomy

2.  Please specify your gender. (Optional)


3.  Have you ever experienced or noticed any of the following kinds of discrimination in the company? (Choose all that apply.)

  Sexual Orientation

4.  How often are you involved in the decision-making process in the company?

  Almost always
  Very often

5.  what the most you can grow in the company?

  top manager
  assistant manager
  General manager

6.  The formal opportunities you get to interact with other employees in the company are:

  Quite frequent
  Frequent enough
  Not very frequent
  Too infrequent

7.  What things would you like to see improved/changed/added in the company?

8.  How long do you see yourself working for this company?

  Until I have more opcions
  Another few months
  Another few years
  As long as possible

9.  How long have you been working for this company?

  Less than six months
  Less than a year
  Less than two years
  Less than 5 years
  Just started

10.  Do you feel your compensation is commensurate with your work and responsibilities?


11.  How would you grade the Employee Grievance Handling Process of the company?

  Highly effective
  Somewhat effective
  Does it even exist?

12.  Are you comfortable with the management style followed in the company?

If no, then please explain what you don't

13.  Are you feeling satisfied the physical conditions of work in your office?

  Very satisfied
  Quite satisfied
  Somewhat satisfied
  Not very satisfied
  Not at all satisfied

14.  What would you describe your working relationship with your immediate supervisor/manager as? (Choose all that apply.)

  Mutually respectful
  Lacking in trust