Survey Created by: Hernan Molina on Sunday, April 23, 2017


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 Hernan survey
This survey is part of a class project CSUN's Master of Public Administration.

1.  Which of the following best describes your current living arrangements?

  I live alone
  I live with my life partner (husband, wife or significant other)
  I live with a friend, not romantically involved
  I live with a roommate, not consider him/her a friend
  I live with my parents
Other, please specify

2.  Do you currently have a companion animal (cat, dog, fish, bird, etc) living with you? (If you don't have a companion animal, please go to Question #6)


3.  What type of companion animal do you currently have? Check all that apply

Other, please specify

4.  Choose the statement that bests describes the effect your companion animal has in your life

  It makes me happy and I enjoy its company
  It helps me reduce my levels of stress but does not make me happier
  It requires too much attention and stresses me out
  It does not make me feel more relaxed or happy, nor it stresses me out

5.  From 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest ranking and 5 being the highest ranking, how would you rank the following areas of your life as they relate to overall "well-being"? If you assign ranking "5" to an area, you cannot assign it again to another area, and so on.

Social life
Professional life and employment
Financial matters
Romantic life
Family life

6.  If you live alone, would you say that.. (Please select the statement that best describes your feelings about living alone)

  Feel lonely most of the time
  Feel lonely at times, but I don't mind it. I like having my space
  Never feel lonely, I enjoy being alone; I don't like to make plans with people.
Other, please specify

7.  Please rank from 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest ranking and 5 being the highest ranking, the things in your life that stress you. If you assign ranking "5" to an area, you cannot assign it again to another, and so on.

Money and financial matters are the main sources of stress in my life
My relationship is a source of stress
My family is a source of stress
My work/professional life is a source of stress
Being alone is a source of stress

8.  Please select the statement that best describes what you do when you feel lonely or down

  I call a friend and we make plans to go out
  I like to go out by myself
  I like to play with my neighbor's/friend's dog
  I just sit on the couch and watch television
  I read a book and/or write
Other, please specify

9.  When thinking about happiness, would you say that

  I feel happy all the time; it's rare for me to feel sad or down
  I feel happy most of the time but I have some few moments in which I feel down
  I feel happy at times and down at times
  I feel down most of the time; however, there are few times in which I feel happy
  I feel down all the time; I think I'm depressed

10.  Please select the statement that best describes the level of stress in your life?

  I feel stressed all the time; it's hard for me to relax
  I feel stressed most of the time; I do find some time to relax
  I feel stressed at times but I manage to find time to relax
  I feel relaxed most of the time; It's rare for me to be stressed out
  I feel relaxed all the time; I don't remember the last time I was stressed

11.  In evaluating the relationship you have with your companion animal(s) and how lonely or not you feel, which statement best describes your experience?

  Having a companion animal makes my life fuller and happier
  Having a companion animal helps me feel less lonely but not necessarily happier
  Do not have a companion animal
Other, please specify