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 Recycling Survey
Do you think recycling helps the planet, do you recycle?

Is recycling good for the planet?

1.  Which of these things do you recycle?

  Sandwich and sweet wrappers
  Food scraps (i.e - compost)
  Drinks bottles and cans
  Paper and Card
  Non of the above / I don't recycle
Anything else? Tell us here!

2.  Why do you think some people drop litter?

  They drop it accidentally
  They cannot find a bin
  They cannot be bothered to put it in the bin
  It's not cool to put rubbish in bins
  It's the cleaners/litter pickers job to put litter in bins

3.  How often do you recycle?

  Every day
  Every 2 days
  Sometimes in the week
  Every month

4.  If you go to school, does your school encourage recycling?

  We recycle sometimes
Other, please specify

5.  Do you think that recycling saves,


6.  Do you every see recycling bins in public? (Parks, street shopping centres)


7.  Do you think that recycling actually has a good effect on the planet? (1=Extremely good effect, 5=Bad if not negative effect)
