Share the Survey:
 Regular exercise habits survey
The survey is designed to gather feedback to see people's exercise habits.

Regular exercise habits survey

1.  Please specify your gender.


2.   Which age group do you belong to?

  Below 20
  21 to 30
  31 to 40
  41 to 60
  60 above

3.   Do you believe doing exercise regularly can help people improve their confidence?


4.  How would you rate your health?

  Very good

5.  When was your last time do exercise?

  Less than six months ago
  Less than one year ago
  Over a year ago
  Over two years ago

6.   How many times have you do exercise every week?

  More than 3 times

7.  Did you face any difficulty in choosing a suitable exercise?

  Very few

8.  Where would you like to do exercise?

  At a Gym
  At home
  Outside the building
Other, please specify

9.  Are you satisfied with your exercise habits?


10.  Would you like to do exercise with a coach?


11.  What are the barriers you face in doing exercise regularly?

  I have no time, I am too busy.
  I am perfect, I don't need to do exercise at all.
  I can't find a good place to do exercise.
  It is boring to do exercise by myself, nobody can go with me.
  I can't see any change by doing exercise.