The Marriage Survey
The Marriage Survey. Given a chance, would you like to marry again? If you could ask your spouse to do one thing better, what would it be? If you could have the marriage of your dreams, what would it look like? Take this marriage survey and then view the responses of other survey takers to see what they think about various aspects of marriage.
Survey Created by: on Tuesday, September 20, 2011

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 The Marriage Survey
This is a survey for married people.

1.  Please specify your gender.


2.  How did you meet your spouse?

3.  How long did you date before you got engaged?

  Less than 6 months
  Less than one year
  1-3 years
  4-6 years
  7-10 years
  More than 10 years

4.  How were you proposed to? How did you propose?

5.  How long have you been married?

  Less than 1 year
  1-5 years
  6-10 years
  11-25 years
  25-50 years
  More than 50 years

6.  What is the best thing about your marriage?

7.  If you could do one thing better in your marriage, what would it be?

8.  If you could ask your spouse to do one thing better, what would it be?

9.  If you could have the marriage of your dreams, what would it look like?