Survey Created by: on Sunday, August 19, 2018

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 To what extent will eSports impact the Olympics?
Hello! My name is James Costanzo and I'm currently studying as a year 11 student in Adelaide, Australia. I'm in the process of writing an essay about the inclusion and impact of organised, competitive video gaming (eSports) in the Olympics, which is happening as soon as 2024. As the general public. I'll love your feedback and viewpoint on my question while helping me complete and enhance my essay. All of your answers will be anonymous, other than age and gender. All answers will be used only in my essay and nowhere else. Thank you for participating!

1.  What is your gender?

Other, please specify

2.  What is your age?


3.  How often do you play video games?

Other, please specify

4.  If so, how many hours a week?

  Less than one hour
  1-5 hours
  6-10 hours
  More than 10 hours
Other, please specify

5.  Do you watch others play video games?

Other, please specify

6.  If so, what platform and why do you watch them?

7.  Do you enjoy the Olympics?

  A great deal
  A lot
  A moderate amount
  A little
  Not at all

8.  For you, what makes the Olympics enjoyable or unexciting?

9.  In your opinion, would eSports joining the Olympic be a good decision? Why or why not.