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 What geografical zone / climate do u want to live in the most?
1.  What temperature in summer do you prefer? (at daytime)

  Extremely hot (more than +40°C/+104°F)
  Hot (+30-40°C/86-104°F)
  Very warm (+25-30°C/77-86°F)
  Warm (+20-25°C/68-77°F)
  Mild (+15-20°C/59-68°F)
  Chilly (below +15°C/59°F)

2.  How much rain(precipitation) do u prefer at summertime?

  Lots of rain
  Rain from time to time
  Quite dry, little rain

3.  What AVERAGE temperature of winter do you like the most? (the mean temperature including day and night)

  Very cold (below -20°C/-4°F)
  Quite cold (-10..-20°C/-4..+14°F)
  Not too cold but generally below freezing point (-4..-9°C/+16..+25°F)
  Mild - the temperatures around freezing point (-3..+3°C/+26..+37°F)
  Mild but warmer type (+4..+10°C/+39..+50°F)
  Comfortable temperature (+11..+16°C/+51..+61°F)
  Winterless - the temperature is very warm or about the same as in summer

4.  How much precipitation do u prefer in wintertime? Whether it's rain or snow depends on previous question.

  Almost no rain/snow - clear skies
  Moderate amount of rain/snow - mostly clear skies
  Moderate amount of rain/snow - mostly cloudy
  Rainy or lots of snow - mostly cloudy

5.  Which type of terrain do u like the most?


6.  Which country do you belong to?