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 customer loyalyt program
Understanding Customer Loyalty

The loyalty program design survey is created to find out what keeps customers loyal to a particular brand's product(s) and services.

1.  Was the staff in the store able to resolve your query regarding the product?


2.  Please specify how frequently do you buy our product (Insert the name of the product here).

  once a week
  once a month
  once in three months
  once in six months
  once a year

3.  Please specify your gender.


4.  In which category does your annual income fall?

  Under EGP 20,000
  EGP 20,000 to EGP29,000
  EGP 30,000 to EGP 39,000
  EGP 40,000 to EGP 49,000
  EGP 50,000 to EGP 69,000
  EGP 70,000 to EGP 89,000
  EGP 90,000 to EGP 109,000
  $110,000 and above

5.  Which age group do you fall into?

  21 and Under
  22 to 34
  35 to 44
  45 to 54
  55 to 64
  65 and Over

6.  How would you rate this product?

  Very good
  Very Poor

7.  How friendly and helpful was the staff in the store in explaining the benefits of the product?

  Very friendly
  Very Unfriendly