vacations taken
Holidays and Vacations survey. With this simple survey about vacations and holidays, find out where people love to go and spend their money.

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Vacations and Travel Destinations

We would like you to take this vacation survey and help us gauge your preferences regarding travel destinations and vacation.

1.  Please specify your gender.


2.  In which category does your income fall?

  Under $ 20,000
  $20,000 to $29,000
  $30,000 to $39,000
  $40,000 to $49,000
  $50,000 to $69,000
  $70,000 to $89,000
  $90,000 to $109,000
  $110,000 to $149,000
  $150,000 and above

3.  How many vacations have you taken since January 2009?

4.  Which are your top three travel destinations in the USA?


5.  Which time of the year do you prefer taking a vacation?

6.  How many of these vacations were within the USA?

7.  What did you like the most about that destination?

8.  What things do you keep in mind before choosing a travel destination?

  The purpose of your vacation
  The kind of places you usually like
  Weather of that place
  How much of time you have on hand
  Internet connectivity
  Your budget
  Activities that can be enjoyed there.

9.  Which part of the USA did you explore during your last vacation?

10.  How often do you take a vacation in a year?

  Once in four months
  Every six months
  Once a year
  Not even once