Surveyonics - Online Survey Software

Obtaining Feedback from Exiting Students
For your convenience and ease of reference, we have created a template of Student Exit Survey. You can use this template as such or modify it to suit your needs. Alternatively, you can design your own survey from scratch.

 Question: Please specify your gender. (Optional)
 Question: What are your future plans?
Pursue higher studies in our school/college/university
Pursue higher studies in another education institution
Take up work
Not applicable

Other, please specify.
 Question: If you have any suggestions regarding improvements that can be made to the program, please write them in the space below.
 Question: Please select the option that best describes your opinion with regard to the following statements on the faculty.
Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
The faculty had up
date knowledge and skills.
The faculty were perceptive and understood the individual needs of the students.
The faculty demonstrated enthusiasm for their subjects as well as for teaching.
The faculty took a keen interest in the professional development of the students.
The faculty were accessible outside of the classroom.
The faculty evaluated assignments regularly and gave feedback on students' performance at regular intervals.
 Question: How would you rate the following?
Very goodGoodAveragePoorVery poor
Classroom resources
Computing resources
Sports facilities
Food services
Career counselling and placement services
Financial assistance
 Question: What is/are your reason(s) for leaving the program?
Completed the program successfully
Enrollment in a different program in our school/college/university
Transfer to another educational instituion
Relocation to a distant place
Family obligations
Inability to meet tuition costs
Health problems
Work obligations

Other, please specify.
 Question: Please select the option that best describes your opinion with regard to the following statements on the program.
Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
The program was stimulating and challenging.
The program curriculum was rich and work-oriented.
There was a good variety of courses to choose from.
 Question: What is the one thing that you liked best and the one thing that you liked least about the course?
 Question: What is your opinion of the program in overall terms?
It was truly enriching and exceeded all my expectations.
It was enriching and met my expectations.
It was somewhat enriching and somewhat met my expectations.
It was mediocre and failed to meet my expectations.
 Question: Would you like to recommend this program to anyone?
Can't say

If no, please explain why not.
 Question: Did you ever experience or notice any of the following kinds of discrimination on the campus?
Sexual Orientation
 Question: What was your employment status while you were pursuing this program?
Didn't work
Worked part-time
Worked full-time
Worked occasionally
 Question: Please write your full name. (Optional)
 Question: Why did you choose to do this program in our school/college/university? (Choose all that apply.)
Good reputation of the school/college/university
Superior program curriculum
Good career counselling facilities
A friend had recommended the program
Couldn't secure admission anywhere else

Other, please specify.
 Question: You were enrolled as a:
Full-time student
Part-time student
 Question: Please write your Email id. (Optional)