Share the Survey:
 Cultural Appropriation vs. Cutural Appreciation
The purpose of this survey is to collect data to conclude if either cultural appropriation or cultural appreciation towards African American culture is more evident in social media platforms? Please answer my questions based on your own genuine unbiased opinion.

1.  Please specify your gender.

  Prefer not to say

2.  Which generation are you born into?

  Generation X (1965-1979)
  Millenials (1980-1996)
  Generation Z (1997-2015)

3.  What is your racial or ethnic identity? (Choose all that apply)

  African American/ Black
  Middle Eastern
Other, please specify

4.  Should Black people have their own exclusive trends any non-Black person can't follow? (Cornrow Braids, Hoop Earrings, Thick Lips, or Dreads)


5.  How would you describe your reaction if a non-black celebrity/influencer were to copy the style or demeanor of a black person?

  Not concerned
Other, please specify

6.  Is it cultural appropriation if the person looks attractive copying that style?

Other, please specify