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 Did you enjoy our Store?
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Assessing Client Satisfaction

The client satisfaction survey is designed to collect a feedback on our clients' satisfaction with our services. This will help us greatly in serving our clients effectively keeping in mind their constantly changing business needs.

1.  How was your experience?

  Loved it
  Liked it
  Hated it
  Would sue this place
  Would commit Arson
Other, please specify

2.  How was our Customer Service?

  Great! Chatted with the service guy for an hour
  Good. Answered my questions, asked me about my welfare and whatever
  Okay. Helped me,but after I stood for five minutes.
  Bad. The guy swore at me after he stubbed his toe and refused to help
  Terrible, would never go again: Guy tried to rob me at gunpoint.
Other, I guess

3.  Did you enjoy our In-Store Cafe?

  Yes! The food was delicious. Went back for seconds.
  Kinda. The food was a little stale, but it filled me.
  No. The food was gross and one year expired
  Awful. Green spots were everywhere on the food.
Please specify comment

4.  How true are the following statements about cleanliness?

TrueSomewhat trueNot sure (not paying attention)False
The floors were polished
The products were on the shelves
There was no "mystery stuff" on the floor
There was no puke in the bathroom
The toilets were not stuffed with toilet paper and...other excrement
There were no corpses on the floor
Overall cleanliness was good?

5.  What did you think about the layout of the store?

  It was great, everything was easily accessible
  A little hard to find things, had to ask for help
  The products were on the wrong shelves
  The place was a maze, I could find nothing except fellow lost shoppers

6.  How do you perceive us as an organization in the marketplace?

7.  How can we further improve our services?

8.  How was our greeter? (At the sliding doors)

  Greeted with a hello and a smile
  Waved at me, had an airpod in
  Nodded at me from his/her phone
  Didn't look at me
  Had crushed beer cans around him
  Demanded money for services
  Swore and insulted me