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 Feed back on performance of Ravi Valecha
Hi, i have asked for this survey to know the way i function and improve my performance and get an insight of how i handle my Seniors, Colleagues, peers and subordinates. Your inputs are totally confidential and i will not be able to see your names. The system will generate a data base which would help me in analyzing my strengths and weakness.

1.  To what level is Ravi approachable?

Extemely approachable
Very approachable
Moderately approachable
Slightly approachable
Not at all approachable

2.  To what extent are the expectations of Ravi realistic?

  Extremely realistic
  Very realistic
  Moderately realistic
  Slightly realistic
  Not at all realistic

3.  To what extent id you Ravi available to employees?

  Extemely available
  Very available
  Moderately available
  Slightly available
  Not at all available

4.  According to you what are the negative aspects of Ravi related to Work, relationship with you, relationship with his Supervisor and his peers.

5.  How reliable is Ravi?

  Extremely reliable
  Very reliable
  Moderately reliable
  Slightly reliable
  Not at all reliable

6.  How can Ravi improve his performance in your opinion?

7.  How easy is it for you or other team members to disagree with your Ravi's decisions?

  Extemely easy
  Very easy
  Moderately easy
  Slightly easy
  Not at all easy

8.  How frequently does your Ravi give you feedback on your work?

  Extremely frequently
  Very frequently
  Moderately frequently
  Slightly frequently
  Not at all frequently

9.  In your opinion, what does Ravi always do wrong or does not understand

10.  Please specify your gender.


11.   To what level is the training from your Ravi effective?

  Extemely effective
  Very effective
  Moderately effective
  Slightly effective
  Not at all effective

12.  To what level is your performance improved after getting feedback from your Ravi?

  Extremely improved
  Very improved
  Moderately improved
  Slightly improved
  Not at all improved

13.  Would you like to continue working with Ravi ?

  Can't Say

14.  How much time does your Ravi take to make decisions?

  Much too much
  Somewhat too much
  Slightly too much
  About the right amount
  Slightly too little
  Somewhat too little
  Much too little

15.  To what extent are the decisions made by your Ravi reasonable?

  Extremely reasonable
  Very reasonable
  Moderately reasonable
  Slightly reasonable
  Not at all reasonable

16.  How consistently is your good work rewarded by your Ravi?

  Extemely consistently
  Very consistently
  Moderately consistently
  Slightly consistently
  Not at all consistently

17.  How often does your Ravi listen to your or other employees' opinions during decision making?

  Extemely often
  Very often
  Moderately often
  Slightly often
  Not at all often