Survey Created by: on Wednesday, December 17, 2014

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 Spanish 1 Semester Survey
An attempt to measure student experience and attitude about first semester Span 1.

1.  I complete my assignments to the best of my ability, and I complete them on time more often than not.

Other, please specify

2.  Please give your opinion of the amount of written work (worksheets, notes, etc) in this class: The amount of written work in this class is...

  Too much
  Not enough
  About right
Other, please specify

3.  Please give your opinion of access to technology in class. My access to tech devices in class was...

  Good - it was easy to get and it worked most of the time.
  Okay - it was sometimes easy to get, it worked sometimes.
  Poor - it was hard to get and it never worked.
  I need more access to it because I don't have reliable access to tech at home.
Other, please specify

4.  Please give your opinion of the Descubre 1 textbook: Descubre 1 is...

  Quite helpful
  Somewhat helpful
  Not very helpful
  A mystery - I don't really know how to use it to find answers.
Other, please specify

5.  What is one thing that you DID NOT LIKE about Spanish 1, or what is one thing that Mr. Harris does that he should change. Feel free to answer with more than 1 thing if you would like to.

6.  Please specify your gender.


7.  I study for this class, and come to it prepared to succeed more often than I don't

Other, please specify

8.  Please give your opinion of the pace of the class: this class moves...

  Too fast
  Too slowly
  About right
Other, please specify

9.  Please give your opinion of the amount of time to work on tech assingments in class: time given to complete tech assignments in class was...

  Almost always enough
  Almost never enough
  Okay, but sometimes I could have used more
Other, please specify

10.  What is one thing that you liked about Spanish 1, or what is one thing that Mr. Harris does that he should keep the same. Feel free to answer with more than 1 thing if you would like to.