Studying in a Lithuanian University
Planning to study at a university in Lithuania? Want to know the reviews of those who had a chance to study in Lithuania? This survey explores the views of those students who had a chance to study at a university in Lithuania.

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 Studying in Lithuania
Dear students, this questioner is constructed by master students of the Faculty of Communication, for the purpose of upgrading the overall conditions of international students in Lithuania, by filling it out, you are helping your and future generations to have a more pleasant stay for students during their study time in Vilnius University. Hope you will enjoy the questions and find them interesting and relevant to your stay in Vilnius.

1.  Please specify your gender.


2.  What is your host university in Vilnius?

3.  What is your level of study?


4.  What is your year of study?

5.  Whats your age?

6.  How are you generally satisfied with your current study stay in Lithuania, taking everything into account?

  Highly satisfied
  Moderately satisfied
  Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  Moderately dissatisfied
  Highly dissatisfied

7.  What would best describe the relations of the host university's administrative staff towards you?

  Efficient in helping and kind
  Not very efficient in helping, but kind
  Efficient in helping, but unkind
  Not very efficient in helping and unkind

8.  How good you think is the choice of student restaurants and cantinas?

  There are many places to choose from
  There are some places, but not enough
  There are just a few places, I think more are needed
Other, please specify

9.  Please rate the prices and food quality in cantinas

Food quality
Food price
Hygiene in restaurants

10.  Are you pleased the dormitory you live in? (enter the name of your dorm in the section "Other", or if you don't live in the dorm)

Dorm staff
Other, please specify

11.  How do you find the general quality of public transportation service in Lithuania? (overall - price, time schedule, comfort...)


12.  What is your experience with taxi service in Lithuania?

  Always available at reasonable price
  Easy to find but sometimes a hard bargain
  Hard to reach but cheep
  Always available but very expensive
  I don't use taxi service

13.  Would you recommend students from your country to come to study in Lithuania?

  Yes, no doubt about it
  Yes, with caution
  I would leave it up to them
  No, there are better places

14.  Do you visit the university’s main building?

  Yes, regularly
  Yes, sometimes
  Almost never

15.  (Skip this question, if you answered C. in the previous question.) How do you find the main building of the university?

General service provided
Service at the international office

16.  Rate your faculty’s main building (in the section "Other" state the name of your faculty)

Desks & chairs in classrooms
Electronic equipment
Student room/ lounge
Coffee/ snack machines

17.  Rate the teaching staff at the course you are taking in Lithuania

Helpfulness (quick to answer etc.)
Subject organization
Knowledge offered
Material presentation skills

18.  Did you have problems with your nationality in Lithuania?

  Yes, a lot
  Yes, but not much
  Some problems
  Not at all

19.  Rate your host university’s libraries

Variety of books in libraries
Number of books in languages other than Lithuanian
Reading halls
Library card accessibility

20.  Do you think more translations are needed in Vilnius in public transport, tourist places, shops etc.?

  Yes, more translations to English.
  Yes, more translations to Russian.
  No, there are enough

21.  How did you find the activities (parties, gatherings, excursions) organized by university, and how satisfied are you with how often they happen?

Excellent Good Average Acceptable Unsatisfactory

22.  How much contact do you have with Lithuanian students?

  I have lots of contact with them.
  I have little contact with them.
  I prefer to make contacts only with international students

23.  How are you satisfied with the service in the markets?

  Highly satisfied
  Partially satisfied
  Not satisfied at all

24.  How satisfied are you personally with making new friends and contacts in Lithuania outside the university environment?

  Very satisfied
  Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  Very dissatisfied

25.  What do you think could be improved by the organizers to improve interaction between students? (mark all the answers that apply)

  Better happenings for international students
  Better group activities with Lithuanian students
  More student happenings in Vilnius
Other, please specify

26.  What country do you belong to?