Survey for Patient Record Management System
The Patient Record Management System Survey is a free online tool for assessing the user experience regarding the usage of various Patient Record Management Systems.

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 Survey for Patient Record Management System
This survey is concern about the patient satisfaction in the clinic and the survey is primarily intended to gauge how well a patient is satisfied by the services he/she received.

The questions are about yourself:

1.  Please choose your gender…


2.  Please choose your age…

  Below 18
  51 and above

3.  How many times do you seek for medical checkup in a year?

  1-2 times
  2-4 times
  4+ times

4.  How long is the distance between your house and medical place?

  2km and below

5.  Do you have the internet in your house? (If No, skip to the Question 8)


6.  Do you have ever used the online patient record management system to make an appointment with a doctor?(if No, skip to the Question 8)


7.  Do you think that the system make you easier to seek a doctor?
