Does He Love Me Quiz/ Does She Love me survey
Does your crush love you or not is a sensitive question to be answered. This Does he/she love me survey has questions which you can use for yourself or mail it to your friends to find out the answer for yourself.
Survey Created by: on Wednesday, February 29, 2012

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 the quiz of the love
this quiz helps you to know how much your little freind/crush likes or even loves you

1.  does not count for test score. do you think a 8-12 year old made this test

  if you selected yes,you are corect
Other, please specify

2.  do you think your crush knows you like them?

  no =[

3.  Please specify your gender.


4.  how much do you like/love your crush on a scail of one to ten?


5.  does your crush look in YOUR eyes when you talk?

  we dont talk

6.  What is your age?


7.  when you are alone with your crush do you feel like you want to hold ther hand?

  all the time
  i want to do more than hold there hand

8.  does your crush blush when you look at them? or they look at you.

  Can't Say
  they look at me

9.  if you got asked out would you say yes even if it was'nt your crush

  i woud say im already took'n

10.  do you think your crush likes you?


11.  dose your crush look at you and quickly look away


12.  if you want to give advice to me on the questions or have me add one please type below.

Other, please specify

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